Daleside Complete

It’s been a busy few months but my part of the job is finally complete. The full external, lime, re-render of Daleside is finished.

Starting in February, this grade II listed property required all of the old render removing and application of a dubbing out coat, a scratch coat and then a top coat of lime render. Lime wash was then to be applied to all elevations.

The first coats of lime wash have been applied and it’s over to the decorator to paint the windows and sills.

Rounded corners were done on all sides and the lime render was tucked into the window heads to form my signature creases.

I can’t wait to share the final pictures here once the scaffold is down and the final bits of decorating are done, I’m very proud of how this one has turned out.

Elsewhere, new projects have been started and are well underway.

Number 9, is a terraced house in York and I have been lime plastering both the living room and dining room.

Some walls require just an overskim, as above, but others require render base coats too.

Large, bulky chimney breasts, in both rooms, were removed by builder Dave and tidied up by me before plastering.

Soot was removed prior to the scratch coat being applied due to the possibility of it leeching through the fresh plaster.

I’m due to complete this project this coming week, stay tuned.




Daleside Diaries